Chore Chart Earn Screen Time

Chore Chart Earn Screen Time: A Guide to Incentivizing Kids

Hey readers! Want to get those chores done without a constant power struggle? The answer lies in a little something called a chore chart with an irresistible reward: screen time.

Welcome to the Chore Chart Revolution

The chore chart is a simple yet effective tool that has been transforming homes for years. By assigning specific tasks to your kids and tying them to screen time rewards, you’ll not only keep your house tidy but also teach your children valuable life skills.

Setting Up the Perfect Chore Chart

1. Draft a Comprehensive List of Chores: Think about all the daily, weekly, and monthly chores that need to be done around the house. This could include things like taking out the trash, cleaning up toys, or mowing the lawn.

2. Assign Age-Appropriate Tasks: Make sure the chores you assign are appropriate for your child’s age and abilities. Don’t expect a six-year-old to be able to wash the car, but they can certainly tidy up their toys.

3. Determine Screen Time Rewards: The screen time reward should be something that your child is excited about and not something they get regularly anyway. This could be an hour of their favorite video game, a movie night, or even Facetiming with their friends.

Nurturing a Positive Chore Climate

1. Use Positive Language: Instead of saying “If you don’t clean your room, you won’t get screen time,” try “I appreciate it when you help me keep the house clean, and as a thank you, you’ll earn some screen time.”

2. Celebrate Success: When your child completes a chore, let them know you’re proud of them and give them a verbal reward like “Thank you, you’re such a helper!”

Troubleshooting Common Challenges

1. Battles Over the Screen: If your child tries to argue or negotiate the screen time reward, remind them of the agreed-upon terms and stick to them. Consistency is key.

2. Too Much Screen Time: If you’re worried about your child getting too much screen time, set limits and make sure they earn it through chores. Remember, screen time should be a reward, not a default.

Chore Chart Earn Screen Time Table

Chore Value in Minutes
Make bed 10
Clear breakfast table 15
Clean up toys 20
Water plants 10
Wipe down surfaces 30
Take out the trash 45
Vacuum living room 60


With a little planning and effort, the chore chart earn screen time system can be a game-changer in your household. Not only will you enjoy a cleaner home, but you’ll also be fostering responsibility and independence in your children. And who doesn’t love a little extra screen time?

Check out our other articles for more tips and tricks on parenting, chores, and screen time management:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Screen Time for Kids
  • Creative Ways to Get Kids to Do Chores
  • Raising Independent Children: The Benefits and How-Tos

FAQ about Chore Chart Earn Screen Time

Q: What is a Chore Chart Earn Screen Time system?

A: It’s a system where children earn screen time (e.g., phone, tablet, video games) for completing chores around the house.

Q: Why use a Chore Chart Earn Screen Time system?

A: It teaches children responsibility, helps them develop good habits, and limits excessive screen time.

Q: How do I get started with a Chore Chart Earn Screen Time system?

A: Create a list of age-appropriate chores and assign point values to each. Determine a screen time allowance based on age and behavior.

Q: What should I include on my Chore Chart?

A: Chores like making their bed, tidying up toys, and helping with meal prep. Consider assigning higher point values for tasks that require more effort.

Q: How much screen time should I offer?

A: It depends on age and individual needs. Start with a small allowance and adjust it as you see progress. For older children, consider offering screen time as a bonus for completing extra chores.

Q: What if my child refuses to do their chores?

A: Explain the consequences (e.g., reduced screen time) and stick to them. Avoid punishments that are too harsh or unrelated to the chores.

Q: Can I use the Chore Chart Earn Screen Time system even if my child is older?

A: Yes, but it may need to be adapted to match their interests and responsibilities. Focus on chores that contribute to the household, such as laundry or yard work.

Q: What if I have multiple children?

A: Consider creating a separate chore chart for each child or assigning different point values based on age and ability.

Q: How often should I update the Chore Chart?

A: Regularly review and adjust the chore list and point values as your child grows and develops.

Q: Is it okay to offer other rewards besides screen time?

A: Yes, but keep rewards age-appropriate and within reason. Consider small treats, special privileges, or quality time together.
